Set-Point Tracking Analysis of Various Controllers Designed for Orthonormal Basis Filter Process Model
OBF, PID Controller, SOPDT, Set-Point TrackingAbstract
Over the past 50 years PID controllers are used in controlling the linear feedback control system processes. Due
to simplicity and reduced number of parameters to be tuned, PID controllers are used in process industries. Time
delay models are mostly considered for tuning PID controllers. An Orthonormal Basis Filter (OBF) process
model, which can be represented as a Second Order Plus Dead Time (SOPDT) model is selected and delay in
the process model is approximated using Taylor series. Controller is design based on different controller tuning
techniques. On the basis of the comparison of the set-point tracking capability of the controllers for step
response, best controller tuning technique is examined for the selected process.
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Journal of Graphic Era University
Vol. 5, Issue 2, 84-90, 2017
ISSN: 0975-1416 (Print), 2456-4281 (Online)
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