Shortest Path of a Random Graph and its Application
Random graph, shortest path, probability distribution, weighted graph, unweighted graphAbstract
The goal of this work is to provide an effective method for determining the shortest path in random graphs, which are complicated networks with random connectivity patterns. We have developed an algorithm that can identify the shortest path for both weighted and unweighted random graphs to accomplish our objective. As connectivity in these types of structures is changing, the algorithm adjusts to different edge weights and node configurations to provide fast and precise shortest path searching. The study shows that the suggested method performs more successfully in finding the shortest path throughout random graphs using comprehensive computations. Many networks, including social networks, granular networks, road traffic networks, etc., include nodes that can connect to one another and create random graphs in the present-day computational era. The outcomes demonstrate how flexible it is, which makes it a useful tool for practical uses in domains where random graph structures are common, like transportation networks, communication systems, and social networks. For illustration, we have taken into consideration an actual case study of communication road networks here. We have determined the shortest path of the road networks using our proposed algorithm, and the results have been presented. Better decision-making across a range of areas is made possible by this study, which advances effective algorithms designed for complicated and unpredictable network environments.
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