A Fast and robustColor Image Encryption Scheme by Huffman Compression, 5D Chaotic Map and DNA Encoding


  • S. Navaneethan Department of CSE, Shivani Engineering College, Trichy, India
  • G. Kalamathipriya Department of CSE, Shivani Engineering College, Trichy, India
  • M. S. Mohamed Keyasudeen Department of CSE, Shivani Engineering College, Trichy, India
  • K. Parthiban Department of AI&DS, Shivani Engineering College, Trichy, India




DNA, image encryption, 5D chaotic map, Huffman compression, scrambling


In the era of information technology, securing the real-time digital image is the greatest challenge especially colour image. In this paper, a colour image encryption scheme is introduced to secure the image based on compression-then-encryption concept. Theproposed method is a hybrid combination of the Chaos techniques for key generation, Huffman Encoding/compression for compression and avoiding colour decomposition, scrambling for more confusion and DNA Encoding for reducing storage size. In order to enhance security, scrambled data are converted to the Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) sequence, make ADD operation and apply the complementary rules to attain the cipher image. Experimental results have been proved as robustness, accurate and high security against attacks, malicious attacks, differential attacks and statistical attacks. Furthermore, results show that the time speed is faster minimum storage space than the existing colour image encryption scheme.


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Author Biographies

S. Navaneethan, Department of CSE, Shivani Engineering College, Trichy, India

S. Navaneethan is a research scholar in SRMIST, KTR and working as a Assistant Professor in the department of CSE in Shivani Engineering College Trichy having 13 years of teaching experience and presented 30+ research papers in international conferences and journals & area of interest is WSN, MANET, Mobile Computing, Network Security.

G. Kalamathipriya, Department of CSE, Shivani Engineering College, Trichy, India

G. Kalamathipriya working as a assistant professor in the department of CSE in Shivani Engineering college. Research area is Machine Learning & Artificial Intelligence.

M. S. Mohamed Keyasudeen, Department of CSE, Shivani Engineering College, Trichy, India

M. S. Mohamed Keyasudeen doing his graduation in Shivani Engineering College in the department of CSE.

K. Parthiban, Department of AI&DS, Shivani Engineering College, Trichy, India

K. Parthiban doing his graduation in Shivani Engineering College in the department of AI&DS.


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How to Cite

Navaneethan, S., Kalamathipriya, G., Keyasudeen, M. S. M., & Parthiban, K. (2024). A Fast and robustColor Image Encryption Scheme by Huffman Compression, 5D Chaotic Map and DNA Encoding. Journal of Graphic Era University, 12(02), 185–206. https://doi.org/10.13052/jgeu0975-1416.1221


