Path Through Specified Nodes and Links in a Network


  • Santosh Kumar OAM Department of Mathematical and Geospatial Sciences, School of Sciences, RMIT University, Melbourne, Australia
  • Elias Munapo School of Economics and Decision Sciences, North West University, Mafikeng Campus, Mafikeng, South Africa
  • Philimon Nyamugure Department of Statistics and Operations Research, National University of Science and Technology, Box AC 939, Ascot, Bulawayo, Zimbabwe
  • Trust Tawanda Department of Statistics and Operations Research, National University of Science and Technology, Box AC 939, Ascot, Bulawayo, Zimbabwe



Specified nodes, specified links, specified elements, conditional spanning network, index restricted network


A constrained shortest route problem in graph theory is about determination of a shortest path between two given nodes of the network that also visits a given set of specified nodes or a set of specified links before arriving to the destination. These earlier approaches did not consider specified elements containing both nodes and links of the given network. This paper finds a shortest path joining the origin node to the destination node, which is constrained to pass through a set of ‘K’ specified elements of the given network, where K1 number of elements represent nodes, 0<K1<K, and K2 number of elements represent links, where K1+K2=K. Alternatively, if the specified elements representing nodes are contained in the set Sn and the remaining elements representing links by the set Sl, and the set of specified elements denoted by the set Se, then Se={Sn ∪ Sl}. Such restricted path will also have real-life applications. Depending upon the configuration of the specified elements, these constrained paths may have loops. The approach discussed in this paper is a heuristic approach, which finds the required constrained path in a real time.


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Author Biographies

Santosh Kumar OAM, Department of Mathematical and Geospatial Sciences, School of Sciences, RMIT University, Melbourne, Australia

Santosh Kumar OAM received PhD degree in Operations Research from Delhi University. He is author and co-author of over 210 papers and 4 books in the field of Operations Research. His contributions in the field of OR have been recognized in the form of ‘Ren Pots’ award from the Australian Society for operations Research (ASOR) in 2009 and a recognition award from the South African OR Society as a non-member of the society and a non-resident of South Africa in 2011. He was the President of the Asia Pacific Operations Research societies (1995–97), where ASOR was a member along with 7 other countries in the region. He is currently an Honorary Professor at RMIT University, Melbourne. He is a Fellow of the Institute of Mathematics and its Applications, UK. On 14th June 2021, he was awarded a medal of the Order of Australia (OAM).

Elias Munapo, School of Economics and Decision Sciences, North West University, Mafikeng Campus, Mafikeng, South Africa

Elias Munapo holds a BSc. (Hons) Applied Mathematics (1997), MSc. Operations Research (2002) and a PhD Operations Research (2010), all from the National University of science and Technology (N.U.S.T.), Zimbabwe. A certificate in outcomes-based assessment in Higher Education and Open distance learning, University of South Africa (UNISA), certificate in University Education Induction Program, University of KwaZulu-Natal (UKZN). He is a Professional Natural Scientist certified by the South African Council for Natural Scientific Professions (SACNASP), 2012; and NRF rated in South Africa. He has published/co-published over 120 articles and two books. He has also edited/co-edited 7 books and is a guest editor of Applied Sciences, Algorithms and Next Energy journals which are under MDPI. He has supervised/co-supervised eleven doctoral students and over 30 students at Master level. He is a member of the Operations Research Society of South Africa, Executive Committee Member 2012–13, South African Council for Natural Scientific Professions (SACNASP) as a Certified Natural Scientist, European Conference on Operational Research (EURO) and the International Federation of Operations Research Societies (IFORS), and a member of the International Conference on Optimization (ICO) and is part of the team preparing to host ICO 2026 at Johannesburg.

Philimon Nyamugure, Department of Statistics and Operations Research, National University of Science and Technology, Box AC 939, Ascot, Bulawayo, Zimbabwe

Philimon Nyamugure has a BSc (Hons) 1998, MSc – 2002; Post Graduate Diploma in Higher Education, 2013, all from NUST; PhD in Statistics, University of Limpopo, 2017. He joined NUST in 2003 and was Chairperson for the Departments of Applied Mathematics (2009–2013) and Chairman, Department of Statistics and Operations Research (2013–2019). Became Executive Dean of the Faculty of Applied Science from 2020 to date. A University Senator from 2009 and Councillor from 2020 up to date. He received an award for the best PhD presenter in the School of Mathematical and Computer Sciences, University of Limpopo. Best Senior presenter, Faculty of Applied Sciences, and in 2017 Fulbright Research Award for African Scholars. Involved in several community engagement programs including National University of Science and Technology Schools Enrichment Program (NUSTSEP). He is currently an Executive Dean and a Professor at NUST.

Trust Tawanda, Department of Statistics and Operations Research, National University of Science and Technology, Box AC 939, Ascot, Bulawayo, Zimbabwe

Trust Tawanda is a seasoned academic and researcher with a strong background in Operations Research and Statistics. He holds a Bachelor of Science (Hons) in Operations Research and Statistics (2013), a Master of Science in Operations Research and Statistics (2017), and a PhD in Operations Research (2024) from the National University of Science and Technology (NUST) in Zimbabwe. Currently, he is pursuing a Post Graduate Diploma in Higher and Tertiary Education (PGDHTE) at Great Zimbabwe University (GZU). As a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Statistics and Operations Research at NUST’s Faculty of Applied Sciences, he teaches and conducts research in his areas of expertise, which include network optimization problems, transportation problems, travelling salesman problems, and assignment problems. He has a notable publication record, with papers and book chapters to his credit. His academic journey and research endeavors demonstrate his commitment to advancing knowledge in Operations Research.


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How to Cite

Kumar OAM, S., Munapo, E., Nyamugure, P., & Tawanda, T. (2024). Path Through Specified Nodes and Links in a Network. Journal of Graphic Era University, 12(02), 263–282.




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