Effect of the Factors of Consumer Behaviour on Purchase of Green Products
Environmental Conditions, Green Marketing, Customer, Awareness, Competitive Advantage.Abstract
Environmental conditions of the globe are getting adverse. Since industrial revolution the natural cycle of the
globe has been disturbed imparting changes in the biodiversity, evolved acid rains, greenhouse effect,
contamination of water and soil resources. Traditional marketing had valid drawbacks, it primarily focused on
consumers, fulfilled their needs to meet their satisfaction level and attain maximum profits. All this led to use
natural resources abundantly. As an initiative for improving this situation green marketing is adapted by
business entities and their customers. Indian market is characterized by mass consumerism. Gradually due to
increased awareness, attitude of consumers towards green products have substantially elevated. Motive of the
study is to identify the effect of consumer behaviour factors towards purchase of green products. These factors
were regressed simultaneously beta values have been identified to understand their impact on the purchase. This
research would give an insight to retailers to understand perceptions and views of consumers purchasing green
products which will help them to sell green products. This will create satisfaction of consumers, save
environment and give competitive advantage to producers and sellers
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