Implementation of Green Energy Initiatives in India: Status, Challenges and Solutions


  • Sunil Semwal Department of Instrumentation and Control Engineering
  • R. S. Prasad Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering
  • Pradeep Juneja Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering Graphic Era (Deemed to be University), Dehradun, India


Smart Grid, Smart Meter, Power quality, AMI


There is growing interest in creating the smart grid mainly reducing carbon footprint and outage. Countries with the
vast population like china and India are in the race for implementation of the smart grid pilot project in selected
areas. However, there are some serious technological and economic constraints on their implementation. This paper
is an exclusive study on the status, challenges, and possible solution related to the technological aspects from India
perspective. Since the smart meter is an integral component in the smart micro grid implementation, the
technological issue and challenges are particularly discussed in this paper. An actual implementation of a smart
meter for Indian domestic consumers in laboratory environment shows the possibility of its adoption in residences.


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Journal of Graphic Era University

Vol. 6, Issue 1, 123-134, 2018

ISSN: 0975-1416 (Print), 2456-4281 (Online)

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How to Cite

Semwal, S., Prasad, R. S., & Juneja, P. (2023). Implementation of Green Energy Initiatives in India: Status, Challenges and Solutions. Journal of Graphic Era University, 6(1), 123–134. Retrieved from




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