A Scoping Review and Framework of Green Business Models Related to Future Wireless Technology: Bridging Green Business Models to Future Wireless Technology
Green business models, green business model approach, green business model technologies, 5G, 6G, future wireless technologyAbstract
There is a growing interest on the profitability and value of Green Business and Green Business Models related to our societies strong push to greening our businesses due to climate change and environmental challenges. Regulation on businesses is everyday getting tighter on different topics of green. Energy and water consumption, type of energy used, greenhouse emissions, waste, use of materials and resources, recycling of materials, collaboration types and latest fulfillment of UN’s 17 world goals. All topics are more or less being related to the term green and in this case green economy, green business, green business models and green technology are seen as solutions to fulfill the green goals and deals.
In this context many business have endeavored willingly or unwillingly to become and adapt the term green. Studies have shown that business however often find it difficult transforming into green. When users and customers and even competitors are not always loyal to those green business offerings and standards a green business and green business model concept have then it becomes even worse to trust and act on the green business vision.
Knowledge and awareness for green business model within the business model communities lacks. Systematic ways and taxonomies to classify and use the term “green” gives the motivation for the study. In this context the paper commence presenting a literature study on the term green business model and relates this to projects on green business and case studies on green business models. The overall research questions discussed are
1. How have and can green business model be defined?
2. How can Future Wireless Technology enhance the evolvement of Green Business Modelling and green business transformation?
The paper seeks to unwrap the different approaches, origin and views available on the term Green Business Model. The paper verifies their success criteria for classifying a green business model and discuss the role wireless technologies plays and can play in operating Green Business Models. The paper ends by proposing a framework to classify the degree of green related to business models.
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