Salt Bridges Regulate in Silico Dimers Formation for β2-Microglobulin Amyloidogenic Variants
amyloidosis, molecular dynamics, protein aggregation, β2-microglobulin.Abstract
β2-microglobulin is a paradigmatic amyloidogenic protein responsible for
dialysis-related amyloidosis, a disease associated to long-term hemodialyzed
patients and characterized by accumulation of amyloid deposits in the osteoar-
ticular tissues. In the early stages of amyloid fibril formation, β2-microglobulin
associates into dimers and higher oligomers, but clarifications are still needed
for the triggering conditions, mechanisms and specificity of dimer forma-
tion. To characterize the dimeric association process, the protein-protein
interactions between three different species are investigated: namely, the
native protein and the two amyloidogenic variants ΔN6 and D76N. The
dimerization process is rationalized relying on state of the art computational
methods. A comparative mechanism for how different mutations in the three
variants can affect protein dimerization and thus fibril formation is proposed. The number of salt bridges involved at the protein-protein interface correlates
with the degree of amyloidogenicity of each individual species. The findings
can offer possible strategies in controlling the dimerization mechanism based
on different β2-microglobulin protein mutations, which have significant roles
in the fibrillogenical process.
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